Wednesday 15 February 2012

Welcome 2012

Welcome back to the start of a new school year. We have a wonderful class of 22 students who are currently showing me how much they have remembered after a six week break. This blog will be used to celebrate some of the amazing learning these children are doing.
Already they are able to give their opinions about a range of topics.
Here are what some of them had to say when faced with the question:
'Should we be allowed to go to bed whenever we want?'
Yes, because we can play video games and watch TV. We can eat what ever we want and we can eat lollies and never go to sleep.
Boy- aged 6

We should not stay up as long as we want because we can miss school the next day. I think no because you might get tired.
Girl- aged 6

No, because I don't want to miss school. I love school because it is fun. Do you know why I like school?
I like running around the field.
Boy- aged 6

I think no because you can miss half of your day. And you can be grumpy in the morning.
Girl- aged 6

No, because you will miss out on a lot of school. And also you will keep falling asleep at school.
Girl- aged 6